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10,000 steps a day

For years, people have said, “You need to walk at least 10,000 steps a day to stay healthy.” At Wolky, we aim to provide everyone with comfortable shoes to keep them walking happily all day long. Those 10,000 steps become much easier with a pair of Wolky shoes on your feet! However, reaching 10,000 steps is easier said than done. Fortunately, new research has shown that even 8,000 steps are very beneficial for both your physical and mental health. But let’s be honest: every extra step is a step in the right direction! Are you thinking about walking more? Whether you’re aiming for 10,000 steps right away or building up slowly, in this blog, you’ll read all about the benefits of increasing your steps and get tips on how to easily increase your step count!


How many steps should you take a day?

As mentioned, it used to be a challenge to hit 10,000 steps a day. Recent studies, however, reveal that around 8,000 to 10,000 steps are good for those under 60 years old, and around 6,000 to 8,000 steps are ideal for people over 60. The great thing about walking is that you don’t need expensive equipment or new (sports) clothes. Maybe just a good pair of (walking) shoes, and you’re all set. Walking is one of the most accessible forms of exercise. At Wolky, we believe that even a little can make a big difference! Are you walking 1,500 more steps than usual each day? Then you’ll have already taken over 10,000 extra steps by the end of the week! Increasing your step count gradually offers significant benefits.

What are the benefits of 10,000 steps a day?

1 | Improved heart health
Regular walking reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. By taking more steps each day, you keep your heart in shape, improve circulation, and lower blood pressure. That’s already a great reason to move more, right?

2 | Weight loss
Walking is excellent for burning extra calories without putting too much strain on your body. If you regularly hit 10,000 steps, it can help you maintain your weight or even shed some pounds.

3 | Strengthening muscles and joints
Regularly taking a significant number of steps strengthens the muscles in your legs. It also keeps your joints flexible and helps prevent stiffness and pain, particularly in your knees and hips.

4 | Less stress, more happiness
A walk in nature works wonders for stress levels. It stimulates the production of endorphins (also known as ‘happy hormones’), contributing to a better mood. Feeling a little down? Take a short walk and you’ll notice the difference right away!

5 | Improved sleep quality
Regular physical activity helps you fall asleep faster and sleep more deeply. So, for those who often struggle with sleepless nights: take a few extra steps before bed, and you’ll sleep like a baby.

6 | Boosted immune system
Walking can also strengthen your immune system, making your body more capable of fighting off infections and illnesses.

7 | Enhanced concentration and creativity
The benefits are endless. Did you know that a daily walk can clear your mind? This improves your concentration and enhances creativity. Stuck on a problem? A short walk might bring you new ideas and insights.

Walking shoes

Ready for a walk? All the shoes in this category are designed so you can walk in them with pleasure.

Tips for increasing your step count each day

There are many benefits to increasing your steps, but now it’s time to actually put them into action. These tips will help you easily take more steps than usual. Small changes that can make a big impact!

1 | Park further away
If you’re driving somewhere, don’t park in the closest spot to the entrance. Park your car a bit further away and take some extra time to walk to the entrance. Simple but very effective.

2 | Take the stairs
You’ve probably heard this one before. Choose the stairs over the elevator or escalator. A quick and easy way to add more movement to your day.

3 | Stand during phone calls
Stand up during phone calls. Most people naturally start pacing when they’re on the phone. A perfect opportunity to sneak in some extra steps! Even better if you’re frequently on the phone 😉

4 | Take a walk during lunch
The Italians love it: a nice meal followed by a walk through town. Not only is it great for adding extra steps, but it’s also beneficial for your digestion!

5 | Leave your shopping cart in one spot
You can easily get extra steps while grocery shopping. Leave your basket or cart in one spot and bring your groceries to it. Zig-zagging through the store, you’ll effortlessly add more steps!

The importance of good shoes for more walking

As you’ve read, 10,000 steps a day offer plenty of benefits! However, it’s important to do this comfortably. No blisters, no pinching, and no pain from wearing bad shoes. That’s how you’ll maintain those extra steps each day. At Wolky, after more than 40 years, we know a thing or two about comfort. Our shoes provide excellent support for your feet, ankles, and knees. They have extra cushioning at the heel, which reduces the impact on your joints. Ideal for longer walks. With well-fitting shoes, you can reduce foot fatigue during a long walk. What’s also great about Wolky’s (walking) shoes is that they are made from leather. This is a breathable material that helps keep your feet cool and dry. Perfect for preventing blisters! Those 10,000 steps? With a pair of Wolky’s on your feet, we say: bring it on!

Shoes with leather lining

A leather lining for optimal comfort. Dry feet, all day long! 

Moderate-intensity activities are also effective

Walking (and especially 10,000 steps) isn’t an option for everyone, and we get that. You might not always (or ever) feel like going to the gym and lifting heavy weights. Fortunately, moderate-intensity activities are also great for your body and overall health. A favorite among Wolky fans: cycling. It’s a fantastic way to get some extra exercise without putting too much strain on your feet and knees. Gardening is also excellent for you. You’ll move around a hundred times while working in the garden for an afternoon. All that movement is incredibly healthy! Another activity that brings many benefits, though not everyone’s favorite: cleaning. Vacuuming, washing windows, changing bedding—all moderate-intensity activities where you’re still moving your body. It has to be done anyway, so the health benefits are a nice bonus, right?

Personal advice needed on good shoes?

Contact us through the options below, and we’ll be happy to assist you.

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