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Good shoes for cold feet

The right shoes for cold feet. Winter is approaching and it is slowly getting colder. Good shoes for the colder days should therefore not be missing in your shoe rack. Of course, the shoes from Wolky have a great fit, they are completely made of leather and they run extra comfortably. But did you know that Wolky also has special shoes for people with (extra) cold feet? These shoes have a special lining that ensures that your feet stay extra warm in these colder months! You can recognize them by the letters CW (Cold Winter) after the product name.

Cold feet warm lining shoes

Cold Winter shoe lining

A good lining ensures that the fit of a shoe is improved, and the lifespan of the shoe is extended. It is not without reason that Wolky pays a lot of attention to this specific part of her shoes. For people with cold feet, Wolky has shoes that are made with just as much attention and care as the standard variants. A so-called “warm-lining” lining has been added to these shoes. Each Cold Winter fur lining is made from high-quality synthetic fabric. This extra layer in the shoes keeps your feet nice and warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The Cold Winter coat liners are durable, dry quickly, are soft, and cushioned for extra comfort.

Tip: looking for shoes that are both warm and waterproof? Then take a look at our waterproof shoes. Most models that are waterproof also have a warm lining!

What if you haven't bought CW-shoes?

Then our first tip would be: try leather shoes. Leather already ensures that your feet stay warm (and breathe, so you won’t get sweaty feet). Check out all of our leather shoes here. 

But we also have special Cold Winter soles available in our webshop. In some ‘standard’ Wolky models – such as the Roll Moc and the Up2 lines – you can replace the soles with these CW insoles. The CW insoles have the same special synthetic upper that keeps your feet warm as with CW shoes. Of course, these CW soles also have a super comfortable footbed.

Warm shoes

If your feet can use some extra warmth, look for shoes in the Wolky collection that have an extra warm lining.

Need personal advice? Don't hesitate to contact out customer service team!​

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