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Splay foot

Splay foot is a common foot condition. With splay foot, the transverse arch of the foot is collapsed or flattened. Splay foot resembles flat feet in terms of symptoms. Both foot conditions can lead to various unpleasant symptoms. Our most important tip: wear good shoes that provide your feet with the support they need. And where can you find those good shoes? Right here with us! In this blog, you’ll read all about the causes, symptoms, and treatments (including good shoes) for splay foot.

Splay foot

What is splay foot?

Splay foot is also known as pes transversus. As mentioned, the arch of the foot collapses in this condition. The foot arch is an important part of the foot structure, which is composed of two arches: the longitudinal arch (from the heel to the ball of the foot) and the transverse arch (from one side to the other side of the foot). In a healthy foot, these arches are well-formed. What does this foot arch do than? It evenly distributes body weight across your foot, preventing extra pressure on specific areas of the foot, which in turn prevents other foot problems.

In splay foot, the transverse arch (from one side to the other side of the foot) collapses. This widens the foot and increases pressure on the forefoot. Not pleasant for your feet, ankles, knees, and back. It also increases the risk of other foot problems. Think of bunions due to extra pressure on the big toe, or plantar fasciitis due to extra pressure on the heel. Plenty of reasons to address this foot condition as soon as possible (or even prevent it)!

Causes of splay foot

There are several factors that can contribute to the development of splay foot. Below, we briefly explain a few.

  1. Overweight: A major culprit for splay foot. Extra weight puts more pressure on the feet, which can cause the foot arches to collapse faster.
  2. Age: As you get older, your muscles and tendons may weaken. This applies to all muscles, but especially to the muscles in your feet. Weakness in the foot can lead to a collapse of the foot arch.
  3. Poor shoes: Shoes with insufficient support, too narrow shoes, high heels, you name it. Various shoe features can contribute to the development of splay foot. Especially shoes that increase pressure on the forefoot (think high heels) are bad for your feet.
  4. Overuse: Do you stand or walk for long periods? Multiple days a week? This too can increase the likelihood of developing splay foot. Good support and rest are crucial to prevent overuse.
  5. Heredity: Some people naturally have weaker foot arches due to genetic factors. They are more likely to develop splay foot.

shoes with good support

These shoes really support your feet, which will help manage the pain of splay foot.  

Common symptoms

Of course, the symptoms of splay foot can vary. This also strongly depends on the severity of the condition. However, you may recognize splay foot by the following common symptoms.

  1. Pain in the forefoot: One of the most common symptoms of splay foot is pain in the forefoot, or the ball of the foot. This pain arises from the extra pressure in this area.
  2. Difficulty walking or standing: Unfortunately, something many people with splay foot recognise… Prolonged walking or standing can become painful due to fatigue and foot pain.
  3. Widened foot: Feet can become wider due to the collapse of the transverse arch. Shoes that used to fit well may no longer fit! Fortunately, a new, good pair of shoes can help a lot.
  4. Callus formation: Something no one likes, calluses. With splay foot, there is extra callus formation due to increased pressure on the forefoot. Calluses can especially develop under the ball of the foot.
  5. Nerve pain: A less common symptom but still very unpleasant. Splay foot can sometimes lead to nerve pain, causing tingling or a burning sensation in the foot.

Possible treatments

The treatment of splay foot also depends on the severity of the condition and the specific symptoms you experience. Common treatment options are discussed below.

  1. Good shoes: We keep repeating it, and for a good reason! Wearing shoes with good arch support is essential! Even better: good shoes combined with custom-made orthotics. Insoles can help support the foot arch and reduce pressure on the forefoot. Do you have pain from splay foot? Then this is truly a golden combination.
  2. Exercises: There are specific exercises aimed at strengthening the foot muscles. This can help support the foot arch or prevent deterioration. Think of curling your toes or balance exercises. Of course, these exercises are always beneficial, not just for people with splay foot!
  3. Weight management: Overweight is a common symptom of splay foot. Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce pressure on the feet. Splay foot won’t disappear with weight management, but symptoms and pain can diminish.
  4. Physiotherapy: A physiotherapist can help develop an exercise program specifically aimed at strengthening the muscles that support the foot arches.
  5. Surgery: In severe cases, surgery may be necessary. Discuss with your doctor the options and whether this is indeed necessary.

wide shoes

Every season Wolky adds a number of styles to the collection that have more space around the instep than the regular model. 

Preventing splay foot: what can you do yourself?

While it’s unfortunately not always possible to prevent splay foot, there are several steps to reduce the risk. And remember: prevention is better than cure. Our goal at Wolky is for everyone to walk in comfortable shoes. It’s no surprise that the first step in preventing splay foot is to wear good shoes! Your shoes should provide good support for your entire foot. They shouldn’t pinch anywhere, but they shouldn’t be too loose either. High heels are really a no-go! Also, your weight is important. Listen to your body: if you notice foot pain, consult a doctor. They can help you further.

Need personal advice? Don't hesitate to contact out customer service team!​

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