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Swollen feet

Swollen feet: a common problem, especially on warm days. Ranging from mild discomfort to real pain, but with one shared goal: you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible. And although it often goes away on its own after a while, sometimes you’d like to speed things up a bit. In this blog, you’ll read everything about swollen feet, from the symptoms to the treatments. Read on!

Swollen feet

What causes swelling in the feet?

Swelling occurs when there’s a build-up of fluid in the tissue under the skin. You may have heard of “oedema,” another term for swelling. In the case of swollen feet, the fluid accumulates around the feet and ankles, resulting in swollen feet. The swelling can vary from person to person; some experience mild swelling, while others suffer from significant swelling. This can be particularly annoying, as it can make walking or even wearing shoes difficult. Time to get rid of those swollen feet as quickly as possible!

Possible causes of swollen feet

1 | Prolonged standing or sitting

It’s well known that we sit too much these days. Long hours at a desk, followed by collapsing on the couch at home. Prolonged sitting (or standing) is a key cause of swollen feet. Your body needs movement throughout the day! So, try to alternate between standing and sitting several times during the day. 

2 | Warm weather

Another pesky culprit. In warm weather, your blood vessels dilate. While this helps cool your body, it’s not so helpful for foot swelling. Fortunately, this is often temporary and decreases as your body adjusts to normal temperatures. Seeking an air-conditioned space might be a good idea 😉

3 | Pregnancy

For all the men reading this, feel free to skip to number 4. During pregnancy, many women experience swollen feet. Your body retains extra fluid, and blood circulation in your legs and feet slows down. One plus? Swollen feet usually occur mostly in the third trimester. Just grit your teeth for a little longer, and you’ll be free of it again! We can offer a little relief with some shoe advice for pregnant women to help you walk comfortably.

4 | Poor blood circulation

Poor circulation can cause swelling in the feet, especially in older adults.

5 | Heart, liver, or kidney conditions

Heart failure, kidney diseases, or liver cirrhosis can all contribute to swollen feet. Reduced circulation, an imbalance in fluid, or fluid retention causes your feet to swell. Consult your doctor for more information.

6 | Medications

Some medications may have the side effect of causing foot swelling. Check with your doctor to discuss alternatives.

7 | Injury

A sprain or other injury to the foot can also cause swelling. Your body sends fluid to the injured area to promote healing – it’s a remarkable process!

While swollen feet are often harmless and result from benign factors, they can also be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. See a doctor if you frequently experience foot swelling or if the swelling persists.

lace up shoes

Lace-up shoes for women offer a tailored fit because of the adjustable laces!

Symptoms of swollen feet

Besides visible swelling, your feet may also appear red. The skin can become tight, shiny, and red due to the fluid build-up. In addition to seeing the symptoms, you can also feel them – your feet may feel warm, and you might experience discomfort or pain. In cases of severe swelling, pain can become dominant, especially if it limits the movement of your foot or ankle. Wearing shoes can become difficult. 

When should you seek medical help?

In most cases, swollen feet (fortunately) aren’t a reason to panic and the swelling will subside on its own. However, in some cases, it’s important to seek medical assistance. This applies if the swelling: (1) occurs suddenly and severely, (2) is accompanied by chest pain and shortness of breath, (3) only affects one foot or leg, or (4) occurs during pregnancy with symptoms such as headaches or changes in vision. If you’re unsure, consult your doctor. 

more lace up shoes

Lace up shoes ensure the perfect fit for optimal support throughout the day.

Treatments: reducing swollen feet

Yes, you can “de-swell” your feet! This means the swelling decreases. Here are a few fairly simple ways to reduce foot swelling:

1 | Movement

As you probably already know (or read above), movement is good for you, both physically and mentally. Regular exercise can help reduce swelling. A short walk can do wonders! Set your work status to “unavailable” and take a walk around the block. Bonus: you’ll return with a clear head!

2 | Elevating your feet

Raising your feet higher can help drain the excess fluid. This works best if you elevate your feet above heart level. It’s easy to do when lying on your back – you can read a book at the same time. Win-win!

3 | Compression socks

Granted, compression socks don’t have the best image, but they’re incredibly useful. And that’s what matters, right? Wear them under long trousers if you’d rather keep them hidden. Compression socks offer plenty of benefits, and they can help reduce swelling by improving circulation. Perhaps it’s time to reconsider compression socks…

4 | Hydration

You might be thinking: aren’t we trying to get rid of excess fluid? True! And you can do this by staying hydrated. It may sound counterintuitive, but your body retains less fluid when it’s well-hydrated. Don’t believe it? Try it for yourself!

5 | Reducing salt intake

A high salt intake can contribute to fluid retention. By reducing your salt consumption, you can help prevent swelling. This is more of a long-term solution for preventing swollen feet.

Is there footwear for swollen feet?

If you suffer from severe foot swelling, bandage shoes can be comfortable. If you only occasionally experience this issue, lace-up shoes might work for you. The advantage of lace-up shoes is that you can adjust them to be as tight (or loose) as your feet require. Tighten them in the morning and loosen them by midday when your feet start to swell. And even better, many Wolky shoes have both laces and a zip. So, you only need to tie the laces once to adjust them, and you can use the zip to easily slip your shoes on and off! At Wolky, we love this combination!

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