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Feet love Wolky – a slogan we love to use at Wolky. However, it is also very important to stress that Wolky loves your feet and the person you become when wearing Wolky shoes. And that’s exactly what this new section is all about: WOLKY&ME STORIES. At Wolky we often hear extraordinary stories from our customers and fans. Some encounters, conversations or mail exchanges are too beautiful, too touching, or too funny not to share with you. So here we launch our new section with Wolky&Me Stories: the story of our O’Connor.

O'Connor fan Wolky

Wolky fan brigitte

We recently received a message from ‘Brigitte’ via Facebook. She has been a fan of Wolky’s O’Connor flipflops for years. Brigitte wondered if the O’Connor was still being made. Unfortunately, this Wolky classic had been out of production for some time. Understandably this was a huge disappointment to Brigitte.

The O’Connor was indeed a beautiful flipflop. Lightweight, with two adjustable straps, and as sturdy as a sandal. A fantastic addition to any summer wardrobe. And so, with Brigitte’s disappointment regarding the O’Connor, got us thinking and so….

Less than a week later, we were able to give Brigitte the good news: we are going to breathe new life back into the O’Connor!


Whenever a new style or model is developed at Wolky (or an older model is revived), we start by making a sample shoe. First, we create a drawing of the shoe and choose the desired materials. Then our shoemakers get to work. The first prototype of the drawing is made. By creating an actual sample allows us to tackle any errors in the design and suitability of the shoe prior to it going into production. Sometimes, for example, we discover that the chosen stitching does not quite match the chosen leather. At times we discover that the Velcro fastenings are slightly out of place. So, making a ‘prototype’ becomes an integral part of our production process. Only when we are completely satisfied with the sample, will the shoe go into production.

Coming back to Brigitte’s story. Less than two and a half weeks later, the final samples of the O’Connor were in our possession. A total of five samples arrived in a variety of cheerful colours. We immediately sent a photograph to Brigitte with a simple message reading: ‘they are coming!’  Brigitte wrote back, pleasantly surprised: ‘Wow, how nice, I am looking forward to it! I have told my husband that I want to buy at least one pair of each colour. This will be an expensive month. How nice that you sent me a photo!

Although delivery would take another six weeks or so, Brigitte pre-ordered not 1, 2 or 3, but 5 pairs! To top it all off, we decided to also produce the O’Connor sandal in black leather. Then Brigitte’s party was complete. She squealed: “Black! My favourite colour! That’s going to be another order. Hopefully this won’t result in a divorce because of my O’Connor collection!

Brigitte now has all six colours from the range and she is enjoying her ‘collection’ of O’Connors. Wolkyshop was very curious to find out if Brigitte’s marriage had lasted, so we sent our Wolky colleague Lianne out to meet Brigitte!

Wolky's O'Connor

Back in the collection by popular demand: Wolky’s O’Connor. 

Holiday money

Brigitte and Lianne meet at our Wolkyshop in Maastricht. Brigitte’s husband Paul was there as well. Lianne asks him how he felt when his wife ordered so many shoes in one order. Fortunately, Paul is very obliging – he said that he was pleased that Brigitte could finally walk around in her favourite flipflop sandals again. The fact that Brigitte bought them with her holiday money we’ll not mention at all…

Lianne asked Paul if he was familiar with Wolky shoes and the range we offer men. Paul said he only knows Wolky through his wife’s shoes, and has never worn them himself. But, he adds, “I’m also very specific when it comes to shoes.”

That’s a good thing! We’ve put together a selection of our best-selling men’s styles for Paul. After all, if your wife spends her holiday money on shoes… it should be good to understand why

Wolky’s e-Walk immediately stood out for Brigitte’s husband. Paul is very surprised by the comfort of the e-Walk and can really feel how the rolling system in the shoe affects your steps. Paul purchases the shoes and triumphantly Paul and Brigitte leave the Wolkyshop.

A few weeks later Brigitte and her husband Paul are still in touch with us. Now there are not one but two Wolky fans in the Rademacher house!

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